Virtualization Market Impact
Virtualization often comes in the form of portable software which operates on basic Intel/AMD servers, as well as Oracle and Sun. When the first VIF was released, it was a bit more than $1,000, and it included a virtual capacity feature which was automated.
This was important because it allowed for the introduction of a SAN program which is capable of automating the process of virtual functionality, which basically means that it can thin the provisioning. The thin provisioning capabilities which are connected to the virtualization tool has allowed many companies to deploy virtual infrastructure tools which are entry level.
Many types of SANS, such as the Fibre Channels, have a very competitive position in the market. Despite this, with the introduction of the VIF+ from DataCore, users have the option of picking either the Fibre Channels or the tools from DataCore.
Much of the SAN software is "agnostic" when it comes to networks, and will provide users with the necessary agility to avoid being caught off guard via change, for the current moment and the future. There are a number of powerful advantages that comes with virtualization. This means that it offers slices which are thin for the complete disk capacity.
There are a number of powerful features which come with this tool. Some of these include the flexibility of virtual capacity. This has a lot to do with the "auto grow" for the thin provisioning which is closely connected to the disk. It is also important to be capable of consolidating and handling as much as four terabytes of storage.
The new virtualization tools may also have the snapshot tools which allow for a disk-to-disk backup which is rapid. The most state of the art virtualization tools offer support for both iSCSI support, along with the Fibre channel. It is also important to be capable of making use of the utilization for Ethernet IP/LAN connectivity which currently exists.
Additional Virtualization Features
Many virtualization tools make use of the SANmotion migration capabilities, which are highly advanced. It is also makes use of storage I/O caching which is highly intelligent. The independence of hardware allows the user the choice in the systems as well as the storage devices, and this includes the ability to handle multiple types and servers.
The VIF+ is a software which is highly portable, and this means that it can be operated on a basic Intel server. It can also operate with a large variety of virtual machines. The VIF+ falls under the SANmelody family, and it has the ability to not only optimize storage, but automate it as well.
This can be accomplished across multiple servers. Since it is powered through usage of the SANmelody, the solution makes it possible for a PC to be transformed into a virtual storage server which is not only powerful, but cost effective as well.
It is capable of serving the disk space over a sizeable network, and it does this through an IP which is affordable. It can also do this via a SAN which is based on Fibre Channel. When virtual technology is enabled, which is based on the provisioning tools, the VIF+ provides virtual volumes which are very large.
It is possible for the capacity to be in the terabyte range, but it will only make allocations and use the disk blocks and the space in a dynamic manner. The storage allocation mechanism is very impressive because it maximizes the total amount of disk space that can be used, and because of this, productivity is dramatically enhanced.
As of this writing, the Virtual Infrastructure Foundation PLUS has a price tag of roughly $2,750, and it can be made available quite rapidly. The customers who purchase this product can always upgrade to newer additions as soon as they are available.
DataCore Software
DataCore software is a high end provide of virtualization storage tool. This software is unique because it has radically changed the ways in which storage is managed, and it does this through usage of a software program which is highly innovative, which brings together services and functions, and combines them with both the agility and the savings of the hardware independence.
The disk server software can add the capacity for expansion and the centralized management of storage for Windows, as well as Linux, UNIX, and Mac OS. DataCore is a private company which is based in Florida, and they are highly regarded due to their powerful software.
The VIF, or Virtual Infrastructure Foundation package, is a powerful tool that may be marketed as VIF+. It is very powerful because it has greatly expanded on the capabilities that were available with the original VIF software.
In addition to thin provisioning, which is one of its trademark features, it also makes use of features such as the data migration technology, as well as performance caching. When it comes to storage, the key difference between VIF and its predecessors is that the new VIF software provides support for up to 4 terabytes worth of storage.
It also offers snapshot technology for the disk-to-disk back ups which are high speed, and it provides support for the Fibre Channel networks which are high speed. The VIF+ is more than just a basic iSCSI solution, because it can allow for users who are looking for an iSCSI which is affordable, as well as the Fibre Channel SANs. It is also useful for disk back ups which are quick, and recovery solutions which are highly efficient.
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